Sunday, July 23, 2006 history fit;
hmm. just finish watching a movie on ch 8. one of my all time fav. The Soong Sisters. watched it at least 5 times on tv. its just damn nice. dunno how many times i sob thru the movie. it shows how touching the movie was. i simply love to watch history movies, abt wars, revolution. all the sacrifices they make... haix... sometimes, i just wonder, its just barely a century, why does we, the people of the new age, became so selfish and had only concern abt the benefits of oneself? what had the world become of? looking at some politics of some country, its so uglyified... then u will think and turn back and say, its none of my concern, why shld i bother... haix...
i adore ppl of those time. especially Sun Yat Sen. i souly regard him as the father of the country of my root. and he's the most glamorous historical character in my eyes. maybe that's because i'm showered with tremendous stories/books/cultures of him since i'm a child, and huge amount of essay and source based questions thru my secondary school life. and definately not forgetting Soong Ching Ling. Sun Yat Sen's wife. i adore her too. she's a good example to follow as a new age chinese women. someone who was not afraid to voice out her opinion, someone who stood by her country, someone who guard her husband's dream firmly...
 agree that she's pretty??
i know once i'm in a fit of babbling abt my fav stuff, i can't stop, esp history. part of me envy them a lot. they can live their life to the fullest, and have their name pass down to ppl and let them envy (haha). part of me felt sad for them, they did so much scarifices, are that the only thing that they can have in return?? well, i have to stop babbling, do i? =X
"An individual should not have too much freedom. A nation should absolute freedom." -Sun Yat Sen (1866 - 1925)
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